I Fight for the Truth

Dear Conservatives of Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon;

This afternoon Parliament will be voting on a Conservative Motion to appoint a special committee on allegations of misuse of public funds by the government during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada.

After watching Prime Minister Trudeau and the Liberals in Question Period yesterday, it’s become very evident they are hiding something and are willing to go to any lengths to ensure the public does not find out what they have done (and what they have spent).

That’s why they prorogued Parliament this summer and that’s why they have been filibustering numerous committees since Parliament returned.

To be clear, the Conservative Motion outlines specifically that the establishment of a Committee does not constitute a vote of confidence. In fact, there has never been a Government dissolved or defeated over the creation of a parliamentary committee.

I will be voting in favour of the Motion because I believe Canadians deserve to know the truth about how our taxpayer dollars are spent. Whether Canada enters a General Election will be left to the Liberals and NDP to decide.

All this said, whatever happens today, I’m ready to fight for you.

Like the last election, I will connect with voters in every part of Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon to earn your trust.

Yours sincerely,

Brad Vis