Replace Liberal MP Jati Sidhu
To date the Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon Liberal MP has enthusiastically voted along party lines, supporting Trudeau's proposed tax changes by voting to end debate and just a few days ago he voted with the majority of Liberals and NDPers as they opposed the Conservative motion that would have allowed groups to access funding from the Canada Summer Jobs program whether or not they agree to the new attestation on the form.
We don't need a Trudeau-phile in Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon. Sidhu and Trudeau both need to go.
An Automatic Monthly Donation will go toward replacing Liberal MP Jati Sidhu with a Conservative MP in Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon nominated this year
It's easy. Click on this 'Donate Monthly' link and it will take you to the Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon Conservative Association donation page. Enter any amount you wish to donate on a recurring basis. If you prefer to make a one time donation you will also have the option to do that from a link on the monthly page.
Thank you,
Menno Froese
Volunteer Vice-President
Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon Conservative Association
Facebook: @MMFCConservative2019