Blueberry Harvest 2022
Support Local. Shop Local. Donate Local.
It's time for blueberries!
If you love blueberries, this is the best time of year because these delicious gems will be ripe and ready for eating.
Today is the perfect day to buy all the blueberries you want – with the added bonus of supporting Brad Vis, your hard-working representative in Ottawa!
Your Mission–Matsqui–Fraser Canyon EDA is proud to partner with MSB Blueberry Farm, a family-owned and operated business that, for over 25 years, has produced fresh, quality blueberries right here in our riding.
Our Goal: To build a warchest for our next campaign in Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon.
Here's how our Blueberry Fundraiser works:
When you purchase flats of blueberries through our portal, a portion of the proceeds goes directly into the Mission–Matsqui–Fraser Canyon EDA's campaign warchest.
1. Buy Local – Order flats of blueberries through our website.
2. Pick Up Local – When you receive our notification your blueberries are ready, pick up your order at
MSB Farms, 5331 Riverside St, Abbotsford, V4X 1T6
3. Donate Local – A receipt for your tax-deductible donation of half of the cost for each box of blueberries purchased will land in your mailbox in the spring of 2023.
10 lb boxes of locally-grown blueberries are $55 each.
Each multiple of $55 is another box of 10 lbs of delicious Fraser Valley blueberries.
- 1 Box: click the $55 button
- 2 boxes: Click the $110 button
- 5 boxes: click the $275 button
- and so on...
After selecting how many boxes you desire, please click the "Continue" button below to enter your payment details.